Thursday, October 30, 2014

Love Sets Us Free

"I have to tell him."

I told myself this as I was driving home from work, lost in music, and lost in my own mind.

"I have to be honest. I can't be afraid to tell the truth."

I kept driving home, on the back roads of north Georgia, my window cracked. It was a random warm day in fall. I felt the sun sweeping in through the window and counteract the cold air coming in through the cracked window of the car.

I started taking in the colors of the tree's as I passed them, noticing their vibrant colors, I started drinking in the music as it danced it's way from the speakers to my ears. I was focusing on anything other than the words I needed to say.

I finally worked up the nerve. I finally convinced myself that I needed to say it.

"God, I know you are all I need. I know this but I need to be honest with you. I need to tell you the truth. It doesn't feel that way. I'm not sure I truly believe that you are enough."

There. I said it. I told God exactly how I felt.

Here's something I've come to learn about my relationship with God. I'm really quick to tell him the right answers. I'm like that little girl in Sunday school who is halfway asleep most of the time but when I actually pay attention and actually know the answer to a question, I can't help but blurt it out. I know the answer and I know it's right, therefore, I want to make sure everyone knows I know the 'right' answer.

This isn't working out for me. This 'right answer' living. It isn't working.

It's time I get into the mud, get dirty, and be HONEST with God. Tell him what I really think, even if it's not the right way to think. I need to tell him when I don't truly believe in something.

Because if I've learned anything about God lately it's that His love is bigger than us. His love is bigger than our doubts, our screw ups, our minds, etc. It's beyond comprehension and even though he's the first and only who has the right to judge me, He'll most likely be the last, that is if he hasn't already forgiven and forgotten about what I have done.

I've so badly wanted love to be a clean cut deal. I've so badly wanted it to be something that I could carry in my pocket and pick out when needed. But it's not the small and it's not that simple. Love is big and complicated and confusing and uncomfortable and most of all, IT'S FILLING. It's not a sugary substance that makes you feel good for the moment, but hungry later. No, that's not love. Love if a massive steak that makes you full for the next 3 weeks. Love breaks you where you need to be broken. Love calls you out in the area's you need to be called out in. But love is ultimately on your side. And through the breaking and burning away of the harmful sores we've allowed through love impostors, love takes away everything that has been holding us back. Love breaks us free from the chains and allows a freedom we never knew existed before.

Love sets us free.

It's set me free to the point that I can be real with God. I don't have to know all the right answers and I necessarily do not have to believe all the right answers. I can be honest and trust that if I'm struggling in believing something, I do not have to guilt myself, I do not have to hide. I can come before God, admit where I am and trust he'll take things from there.

What a beautiful place to be in. It's so beautiful.

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